I have been thinking of dogs, how Koreans eat dogs(especially in the summertime) and how I don't like that one bit.
My Korean guy told me that the Jindoo dog------->
is the only type of dog that is not allowed to be eaten, since it's their "national dog". The Jindoo is suppose to "be the smartest and the most loyal dog to their master"(yes, that explains the personality of most dogs, don't ya think).
In Korea, I was shown the Dog Meat Restaurants and their signage. I didn't feel remotely impressed.
I have heard that the way inwhich the dgos are "killed" in Korea is very far from humane and actually quite evil.
Who could kill a dog by violently beating it? Dogs are cool, their eyes show emotions and they like people...they are our friends.
My Korean guy is from a very poor family. He said that he had a pet dog once when he was young. He loved having a pet dog and it was his best friend. One night, he came home from school and couldn't find the dog. He then found out that the meal sitting before him was his beloved pet.
No wonder this guy has serious issues.