Monday, July 26, 2010

First Post

Hi, there. Welcome to my ramblings.

I am a Canadian gal with no specific "culture". I am a 3rd generation Canadian with eastern euro roots. I am not one of the Canadians who grew up celebrating their culture. My parents have no ethnic traditions that they passed on to us kids. Tim Hortons, the mall, Turkey and cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving and Christmas is considered 'tradition' for my family. How sad. But hey, that's how we were raised. That's why I think I am international...I tend to respect, admire and envy all the other cultures here in my big city around me.

I went to Seoul this past spring and fell in love with it. I had a week off from school and said "screw it, I'm sick of my life's crap and I'm going". I just looked on Expedia, whipped out my credit card, then BAM...I was ready to travel, BABY! I also fell inlove with someone there which made me love the place even more.

I have wanted to teach in Korea since I finished University way back when. I have always wanted to go and teach there. I think there has been 3 occassions where I had a recruiter find a place for me but then I eventually backed out. Am I a chicken? Did all the postings on Dave's ESL scare me too much? Am I not as international as I believe me to be????

To be continued....

1 comment:

International Girl said...

Actually, I'm 3rd generation, not 5th...I had to count it out last night....