Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Stay Alive by Yoon Band

Holy, that's a great track...from the YB vs RRM mini-album, which I believe was just released last month(?). Yoon Band's lead singer(Yoon Do Hyun) is unbelievable. ...he can sing ballads and has the power to deliver strong angst when needed. His voice is sweet, tone perfect yet powerful. "Stay Alive" does have a lot of U2ish element but yet remains distinctly different.

Compare the studio version to the live version on u-Tube...they are both un-frickin' believable(I put them up on the blog on the u-tube channel indicator, so you can just click there, at least when it's working).
Yoon Band's singer's English pronuciation is right on target plus he can pull it off live. There are few vocalists who can do this.

Watching the live video makes me chuckle...I was expecting to see the image of a typical North American rock  fan in leather, black t-shirts, the "hair" and billows of smoke from people smokin' weed, ink work everywhere but instead, there are thousands of orderly, multi-coloured glow sticks. I could just imagine owners of those glow sticks were thousands of fashionably and well dressed girls, in high-collared shirts(don't show them boobies), mini-skirts and "respectable" heeled shoes...I am sure there weren't any sterotypical "rocker" chicks in that crowd.

In the live video clip, I love Yoon Do Hyun's new hair cut...very sexy...he has all the right moves...no awkward moments! Plus the video shows the drummer ,Kim Jin Won,  who I just drool over everytime I see the band's photo...please excuse the volumous puddles of liquid flowing out of the computer...it's just my saliva...